Illumina cDNA (TruSeq)

Sample brain C1 brain C2 brain C2 liver C1
Number of reads 53,128,934 41,562,993 45,719,216 49,270,153
Cumulative size (Gb) 15.42 12.36 13.60 14.16
Average Size (bp) 151 151 151 151
Link to ENA ERX2695239 ERX3387947 ERX3387948 ERX2695241
BAM file (transcriptome Ensembl 94) ND bam bam ND
BAM file (genome) ND bam bam ND
BAM file (Lexogen SIRVs spike-in only) bam bam bam ND
1. Reads were aligned on the Ensembl 94 transcriptome using bowtie.
2. Alignment were transfered from transcriptome-coords to genome-coords using the following python script :