Nanopore RNA (RNA001_LR)
Sample |
brain C1 |
brain C2 |
brain C2 |
liver C1 |
Number of reads |
571,088 |
364,041 |
210,654 |
418,102 |
Cumulative size (Gb) |
0.43 |
0.38 |
0.20 |
0.34 |
Average Size (bp) |
758.05 |
1,032.10 |
957.17 |
823.30 |
N50 (bp) |
1,357 |
1,492 |
1,417 |
1,153 |
Number of reads (>1Kb) |
154,735 |
141,970 |
73,232 |
117,047 |
Link to ENA |
ERX2695236 |
ERX3387949 |
ERX3387951 |
ERX2695240 |
BAM file (transcriptome Ensembl 94) |
bam |
bam |
bam |
bam |
BAM file (genome) |
bam |
bam |
bam |
bam |
BAM file (Lexogen SIRVs spike-in only) |
bam |
bam |
bam |
ND |
1. Reads were aligned on the Ensembl 94 transcriptome using minimap2 and the following commande line :
minimap2 -t 12 -uf -ax map-ont Mus_musculus.GRCm38.E94.cdna.all.fa Reads.fa
and alignments were filtered using the following python script :
2. Alignment were transfered from transcriptome-coords to genome-coords using the following python script :