BIRDS WUI provides access to administrator configuration as well as information on the execution of jobs.

It provides access to this information through the main menu which is composed in the following way:


Used to load configuration files containing the declaration of treatments and resources that will be stored in the database

Treatment specification

Display all treatment specification present in the database and display the detail. In this view, it is also possible to perform various operations on each treatment specification

Resource referential

Display all resource referential present in database and display resource type list supported.

Resource type

Display all resource type present in database and required properties if there exist.


Display all jobs present in jobs history or are being execute. This view allows for each job to show details and perform various operation.

    This view lists available treatments. Operations can be performed on this list :


    Enable treatment to be taken in BIRDS cycle process


    Remove treatment specification from BIRDS database resulting remove jobs associated in BIRDS history.


    Add new treatment specification configuration file.

  • Left tab allows user to show configuration details of specific treatment. Treatment details is organized into several tabs :


    Show all eventually properties defined by user

    Executable Specification

    All information about command line construction of treatment.

    Input Specification

    Information about input of treatment : name, resource type, referential connected to get resources...

    Output Specification

    Information about output of treatment : name, resource type, referential connected to store results...


    List all job created and executed or being execute by BIRDS according to treatment configuration shown in this view.

    This view lists available jobs and display current execution status of each job (NEW, IN PROGRESS, DONE, EXITED) and command line performed. This view allows user to relaunch or remove job from the displayed list.

  • Left tab allows user to show execution details of specific job. Job details is organized into several tabs :


    Show all eventually properties add at runtime

    Input values

    Display inputs resources used to generate and execute this job. Resources information is presented by the resource type name, which referential result this resource and data in this resource as key-value pairs.

    Output values

    Display output resources generated by job execution. Resource information is presented by the resource type name, in which referential output resources will be stored and data in this resource as key-value pairs.

    Parameters values

    Display parameter used in command line for this job execution.