All statistics are based on contigs of size >= 500 bp, unless otherwise noted (e.g., "# contigs (>= 0 bp)" and "Total length (>= 0 bp)" include all contigs). Assembly pilon # contigs (>= 0 bp) 1 # contigs (>= 1000 bp) 1 Total length (>= 0 bp) 4650875 Total length (>= 1000 bp) 4650875 # contigs 1 Largest contig 4650875 Total length 4650875 Reference length 4641652 GC (%) 50.79 Reference GC (%) 50.79 N50 4650875 NG50 4650875 N75 4650875 NG75 4650875 L50 1 LG50 1 L75 1 LG75 1 # misassemblies 2 # misassembled contigs 1 Misassembled contigs length 4650875 # local misassemblies 3 # unaligned contigs 0 + 0 part Unaligned length 0 Genome fraction (%) 100.000 Duplication ratio 1.002 # N's per 100 kbp 0.00 # mismatches per 100 kbp 3.21 # indels per 100 kbp 1.57 Largest alignment 3507126 NA50 3507126 NGA50 3507126 NA75 3507126 NGA75 3507126 LA50 1 LGA50 1 LA75 1 LGA75 1