merSize = 17 merThreshold = 0 merDistinct = 0.9995 merTotal = 0.995 doOBT = 1 unitigger = bogart ovlErrorRate = 0.15 # Compute overlaps up to 15% error utgGraphErrorRate = 0.1 # Unitigs at 10% error utgMergeErrorRate = 0.1 # Unitigs at 10% error cnsErrorRate = 0.15 # Needed to allow ovlErrorRate=0.15 cgwErrorRate = 0.15 # Needed to allow ovlErrorRate=0.15 ovlConcurrency = 24 cnsConcurrency = 24 ovlThreads = 1 ovlHashBits = 22 ovlHashBlockLength = 10000000 ovlRefBlockSize = 10000 #cnsReduceUnitigs = 0 0 # Always use only uncontained reads for consensus cnsReuseUnitigs = 1 # With no mates, no need to redo consensus cnsMinFrags = 100 cnsPartitions = 64