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UER00676 (R)-lactate from methylglyoxal: step 2/2~1 (R)-S-lactoylglutathione + 1 H(2)O => 1 (R)-lactate + 1 glutathione. None - {{∅}} True - {{t}} Unconfirmed presence
UER00675 (R)-lactate from methylglyoxal: step 1/2~1 glutathione + 1 methylglyoxal => 1 (R)-S-lactoylglutathione. None - {{∅}} True - {{t}} Unconfirmed presence
ULS00332 (R)-lactate from methylglyoxal None - {{∅}} True - {{t}} Unconfirmed presence
UPA00619 methylglyoxal degradation~Methylglyoxal (MG) is a cytotoxic compound formed primarily as a by-product of carbohydrate and lipid metabolism. It is catabolised by glyoxalases I and II, the zinc-binding enzymes of the glyoxalase pathway. Glyoxalase system is present in the cytosol of cells and cellular organelles, particularly mitochondria. None - {{∅}} True - {{t}} Unconfirmed presence