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UER00722 phenylacetate from L-phenylalanine: step 1/3~1 L-phenylalanine => 1 2-phenylethylamine + 1 CO(2). None - {{∅}} None - {{∅}} Unexplained
UER00362 acetoacetate and fumarate from L-phenylalanine: step 3/6~1 (4-hydroxyphenyl)pyruvate + 1 O(2) => 1 CO(2) + 1 homogentisate. Both - {{t,f}} True - {{t}} Ambiguous presence
UER00337 acetoacetate and fumarate from L-phenylalanine: step 1/6~1 L-phenylalanine + 1 O(2) + 1 tetrahydrobiopterin => 1 4a-hydroxytetrahydrobiopterin + 1 L-tyrosine. Both - {{t,f}} True - {{t}} Ambiguous presence
UER00340 acetoacetate and fumarate from L-phenylalanine: step 5/6~1 4-maleylacetoacetate => 1 4-fumarylacetoacetate. Both - {{t,f}} True - {{t}} Ambiguous presence
ULS00148 acetoacetate and fumarate from L-phenylalanine Both - {{t,f}} True - {{t}} Ambiguous presence
UER00339 acetoacetate and fumarate from L-phenylalanine: step 4/6~1 O(2) + 1 homogentisate => 1 4-maleylacetoacetate. Both - {{t,f}} True - {{t}} Ambiguous presence
VariantPath-1-UPA00139 None - {{∅}} None - {{∅}} Unexplained
UPA00139 L-phenylalanine degradation~Degradation of L-phenylalanine, an aromatic amino-acid. Both - {{t,f}} True - {{t}} Ambiguous presence
VariantPath-2-UPA00139 Both - {{t,f}} True - {{t}} Ambiguous presence
UER00341 acetoacetate and fumarate from L-phenylalanine: step 6/6~1 4-fumarylacetoacetate + 1 H(2)O => 1 acetoacetate + 1 fumarate. Both - {{t,f}} None - {{∅}} Ambiguous
UER00338 acetoacetate and fumarate from L-phenylalanine: step 2/6~1 2-oxoglutarate + 1 L-tyrosine => 1 (4-hydroxyphenyl)pyruvate + 1 L-glutamate. Both - {{t,f}} None - {{∅}} Ambiguous
UER00723 phenylacetate from L-phenylalanine: step 2/3~1 2-phenylethylamine + 1 H(2)O + 1 O(2) => 1 H(2)O(2) + 1 NH(3) + 1 phenylacetaldehyde. None - {{∅}} None - {{∅}} Unexplained
ULS00356 phenylacetate from L-phenylalanine None - {{∅}} None - {{∅}} Unexplained
UER00724 phenylacetate from L-phenylalanine: step 3/3~1 H(2)O + 1 NAD(+) + 1 phenylacetaldehyde => 1 H(+) + 1 NADH + 1 phenylacetate. None - {{∅}} None - {{∅}} Unexplained