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VariantPath-2-UPA00908 None - {{∅}} True - {{t}} Unconfirmed presence
UCR00429 ATP + GTP = AMP + guanosine 3'-diphosphate 5'-triphosphate None - {{∅}} True - {{t}} Unconfirmed presence
UPA00908 ppGpp biosynthesis~Biosynthesis of ppGpp (guanosine tetraphosphate, guanosine 5'-diphosphate 3'-diphosphate), a derivative of guanine riboside. The stringent response to amino acid starvation, whereby stable RNA synthesis is curtailed in favour of transcription of amino acid biosynthetic genes, is controlled by the alarmone ppGpp. None - {{∅}} True - {{t}} Unconfirmed presence
ULS00437 ppGpp from GDP None - {{∅}} None - {{∅}} Unexplained
ULS00436 ppGpp from GTP None - {{∅}} True - {{t}} Unconfirmed presence
UER00885 ppGpp from GTP: step 2/2~1 H(2)O + 1 guanosine 3'-diphosphate 5'-triphosphate => 1 phosphate + 1 ppGpp. None - {{∅}} True - {{t}} Unconfirmed presence
UER00884 ppGpp from GTP: step 1/2~1 ATP + 1 GTP => 1 AMP + 1 guanosine 3'-diphosphate 5'-triphosphate. None - {{∅}} True - {{t}} Unconfirmed presence
UER00886 ppGpp from GDP: step 1/1~1 GDP + 1 diphosphate => 1 H(2)O + 1 ppGpp. None - {{∅}} None - {{∅}} Unexplained
UCR03409 H(2)O + guanosine 3'-diphosphate 5'-triphosphate = phosphate + ppGpp None - {{∅}} True - {{t}} Unconfirmed presence
UCR00336 H(2)O + ppGpp = GDP + diphosphate None - {{∅}} None - {{∅}} Unexplained
VariantPath-1-UPA00908 None - {{∅}} None - {{∅}} Unexplained