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UER00835 glutaryl-CoA from L-lysine: step 1/6~1 2-oxoglutarate + 1 H(+) + 1 L-lysine + 1 NADPH => 1 H(2)O + 1 NADP(+) + 1 saccharopine. Both - {{∅},{t,f}} None - {{∅}} Ambiguous
UER00985 None~1 H(2)O + 1 L-2-aminoadipate 6-semialdahyde + 1 NAD(+) => 1 H(+) + 1 L-alpha-aminoadipate + 1 NADH. Both - {{∅},{t,f}} None - {{∅}} Ambiguous
VariantPath-1-UER00837 Both - {{∅},{t,f}} None - {{∅}} Ambiguous
UCR01939 2-oxoglutarate + L-alpha-aminoadipate = 2-oxoadipate + L-glutamate Both - {{∅},{t,f}} None - {{∅}} Ambiguous
UER00986 None~1 H(2)O + 1 L-2-aminoadipate 6-semialdahyde + 1 NADP(+) => 1 H(+) + 1 L-alpha-aminoadipate + 1 NADPH. Both - {{∅},{t,f}} None - {{∅}} Ambiguous
UCR01940 2-oxoadipate + Enzyme N6-(lipoyl)lysine = CO(2) + S(8)-glutaryldihydrolipoamide Both - {{∅},{t,f}} None - {{∅}} Ambiguous
UCR03103 H(2)O + L-2-aminoadipate 6-semialdahyde + NADP(+) = H(+) + L-alpha-aminoadipate + NADPH Both - {{∅},{t,f}} None - {{∅}} Ambiguous
UER00838 glutaryl-CoA from L-lysine: step 4/6~1 2-oxoglutarate + 1 L-alpha-aminoadipate => 1 2-oxoadipate + 1 L-glutamate. Both - {{∅},{t,f}} None - {{∅}} Ambiguous
ULS00419 glutaryl-CoA from L-lysine Both - {{∅},{t,f}} True - {{t}} Ambiguous presence
UCR02313 H(2)O + NAD(+) + saccharopine = H(+) + L-2-aminoadipate 6-semialdahyde + L-glutamate + NADH Both - {{∅},{t,f}} True - {{t}} Ambiguous presence
UER00839 glutaryl-CoA from L-lysine: step 5/6~1 2-oxoadipate + 1 Enzyme N6-(lipoyl)lysine => 1 CO(2) + 1 S(8)-glutaryldihydrolipoamide. Both - {{∅},{t,f}} True - {{t}} Ambiguous presence
UCR00716 H(2)O + NADP(+) + saccharopine = 2-oxoglutarate + H(+) + L-lysine + NADPH Both - {{∅},{t,f}} None - {{∅}} Ambiguous
UER00836 glutaryl-CoA from L-lysine: step 2/6~1 H(2)O + 1 NAD(+) + 1 saccharopine => 1 H(+) + 1 L-2-aminoadipate 6-semialdahyde + 1 L-glutamate + 1 NADH. Both - {{∅},{t,f}} True - {{t}} Ambiguous presence
VariantPath-2-UER00837 Both - {{∅},{t,f}} None - {{∅}} Ambiguous
UCR03102 H(2)O + L-2-aminoadipate 6-semialdahyde + NAD(+) = H(+) + L-alpha-aminoadipate + NADH Both - {{∅},{t,f}} None - {{∅}} Ambiguous
UER00837 glutaryl-CoA from L-lysine: step 3/6~H(2)O + L-2-aminoadipate 6-semialdahyde + [NAD(+) or NADP(+)] => H(+) + L-alpha-aminoadipate + [NADH or NADPH]. Both - {{∅},{t,f}} None - {{∅}} Ambiguous
UER00840 glutaryl-CoA from L-lysine: step 6/6~1 CoA + 1 S(8)-glutaryldihydrolipoamide => 1 Enzyme N6-(dihydrolipoyl)lysine + 1 glutaryl-CoA. Both - {{∅},{t,f}} True - {{t}} Ambiguous presence
UPA00868 L-lysine degradation via saccharopine pathway~The mitochondrial pathway of L-lysine degradation via saccharopine is the major mammalian pathway for lysine degradation. Both - {{∅},{t,f}} True - {{t}} Ambiguous presence
UCR02571 Enzyme N6-(dihydrolipoyl)lysine + glutaryl-CoA = CoA + S(8)-glutaryldihydrolipoamide Both - {{∅},{t,f}} None - {{∅}} Ambiguous