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Prior-Knowledge Description Expectation Prediction Conclusion Leaf Statistics
UPA00815 D-sorbitol biosynthesis~Biosynthesis of sorbitol, one of the ten stereoisomeric hexitols. None - {{∅}} True - {{t}} Unconfirmed presence
UCR00874 D-fructose + D-glucose = D-glucono-1,5-lactone + D-sorbitol None - {{∅}} True - {{t}} Unconfirmed presence
ULS00387 D-sorbitol from D-fructose and D-glucose None - {{∅}} True - {{t}} Unconfirmed presence
UER00784 D-sorbitol from D-fructose and D-glucose: step 1/1~1 D-fructose + 1 D-glucose => 1 D-glucono-1,5-lactone + 1 D-sorbitol. None - {{∅}} True - {{t}} Unconfirmed presence