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Prior-Knowledge Description Expectation Prediction Conclusion Leaf Statistics
UCR07417 H(2)O + NAD(+) + gamma-glutamyl-4-aminobutanal = 4-(L-gamma-glutamylamino)butanoic acid + H(+) + NADH False - {{f}} None - {{∅}} Absent
UER00363 N-acetylputrescine from putrescine: step 1/1~1 acetyl-CoA + 1 putrescine => 1 CoA + 1 N-acetylputrescine. False - {{f}} True - {{t}} Unexpected presence
UCR07415 H(2)O + O(2) + gamma-L-glutamylputrescine = H(2)O(2) + NH(3) + gamma-glutamyl-4-aminobutanal False - {{f}} None - {{∅}} Absent
UER00293 succinate semialdehyde from 4-aminobutanoate: step 1/1~1 2-oxoglutarate + 1 4-aminobutanoate => 1 L-glutamate + 1 succinate semialdehyde. False - {{f}} True - {{t}} Unexpected presence
UER00881 4-aminobutanoate from putrescine: step 2/4~1 H(2)O + 1 O(2) + 1 gamma-L-glutamylputrescine => 1 H(2)O(2) + 1 NH(3) + 1 gamma-glutamyl-4-aminobutanal. False - {{f}} None - {{∅}} Absent
UER00289 4-aminobutanal from putrescine (amine oxidase route): step 1/1~1 H(2)O + 1 O(2) + 1 putrescine => 1 4-aminobutanal + 1 H(2)O(2) + 1 NH(3). False - {{f}} None - {{∅}} Absent
UPA00188 putrescine degradation~Degradation of the putrescine polyamine. There are two routes of putrescine degradation to succinate semialdehyde via gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA). False - {{f}} True - {{t}} Unexpected presence
UER00990 None~1 H(2)O + 1 NADP(+) + 1 gamma-glutamyl-4-aminobutanal => 1 4-(L-gamma-glutamylamino)butanoic acid + 1 H(+) + 1 NADPH. False - {{f}} None - {{∅}} Absent
UCR07419 4-(L-gamma-glutamylamino)butanoic acid + H(2)O = 4-aminobutanoate + L-glutamate False - {{f}} True - {{t}} Unexpected presence
UCR01155 2-oxoglutarate + putrescine = 4-aminobutanal + L-glutamate False - {{f}} None - {{∅}} Absent
UCR07414 ATP + L-glutamate + putrescine = ADP + gamma-L-glutamylputrescine + phosphate False - {{f}} None - {{∅}} Absent
ULS00133 4-aminobutanoate from 4-aminobutanal False - {{f}} None - {{∅}} Absent
UER00883 4-aminobutanoate from putrescine: step 4/4~1 4-(L-gamma-glutamylamino)butanoic acid + 1 H(2)O => 1 4-aminobutanoate + 1 L-glutamate. False - {{f}} True - {{t}} Unexpected presence
UCR02549 4-aminobutanal + H(2)O + NAD(+) = 4-aminobutanoate + H(+) + NADH False - {{f}} None - {{∅}} Absent
UER00292 4-aminobutanoate from 4-aminobutanal: step 1/1~1 4-aminobutanal + 1 H(2)O + 1 NAD(+) => 1 4-aminobutanoate + 1 H(+) + 1 NADH. False - {{f}} None - {{∅}} Absent
UCR01151 H(2)O + O(2) + putrescine = 4-aminobutanal + H(2)O(2) + NH(3) False - {{f}} None - {{∅}} Absent
UCR01648 2-oxoglutarate + 4-aminobutanoate = L-glutamate + succinate semialdehyde False - {{f}} True - {{t}} Unexpected presence
VariantPath-2-UER00882 False - {{f}} None - {{∅}} Absent
UER00989 None~1 H(2)O + 1 NAD(+) + 1 gamma-glutamyl-4-aminobutanal => 1 4-(L-gamma-glutamylamino)butanoic acid + 1 H(+) + 1 NADH. False - {{f}} None - {{∅}} Absent
ULS00134 succinate semialdehyde from 4-aminobutanoate False - {{f}} True - {{t}} Unexpected presence
ULS00435 4-aminobutanoate from putrescine False - {{f}} True - {{t}} Unexpected presence
VariantPath-1-UER00882 False - {{f}} None - {{∅}} Absent
UER00882 4-aminobutanoate from putrescine: step 3/4~H(2)O + gamma-glutamyl-4-aminobutanal + [NAD(+) or NADP(+)] => 4-(L-gamma-glutamylamino)butanoic acid + H(+) + [NADH or NADPH]. False - {{f}} None - {{∅}} Absent
VariantPath-1-UPA00188 False - {{f}} None - {{∅},{t}} Absent
VariantPath-3-UPA00188 False - {{f}} True - {{t}} Unexpected presence
ULS00163 N-acetylputrescine from putrescine False - {{f}} True - {{t}} Unexpected presence
VariantPath-2-UPA00188 False - {{f}} True - {{t}} Unexpected presence
UER00290 4-aminobutanal from putrescine (transaminase route): step 1/1~1 2-oxoglutarate + 1 putrescine => 1 4-aminobutanal + 1 L-glutamate. False - {{f}} None - {{∅}} Absent
UCR01154 acetyl-CoA + putrescine = CoA + N-acetylputrescine False - {{f}} True - {{t}} Unexpected presence
ULS00115 4-aminobutanal from putrescine (transaminase route) False - {{f}} None - {{∅}} Absent
ULS00114 4-aminobutanal from putrescine (amine oxidase route) False - {{f}} None - {{∅}} Absent
VariantPath-4-UPA00188 False - {{f}} None - {{∅},{t}} Absent
UER00880 4-aminobutanoate from putrescine: step 1/4~1 ATP + 1 L-glutamate + 1 putrescine => 1 ADP + 1 gamma-L-glutamylputrescine + 1 phosphate. False - {{f}} None - {{∅}} Absent
UCR07418 H(2)O + NADP(+) + gamma-glutamyl-4-aminobutanal = 4-(L-gamma-glutamylamino)butanoic acid + H(+) + NADPH False - {{f}} None - {{∅}} Absent