DIGEST is a workflow primarily written in python aimed at the extension of an incomplete genes catalogue based upon capture sequencing technology. This workflow has been developped as part of MetaCapture project to complete the human gut microbiome genes catalogue. Designed for the CCRT job scheduler, DIGEST is able of analyze a vast amount of data in just a few days.

This project is a collaboration between CEA and France Genomique .


Included software

CD-HIT ( PubMed ) and MetaGeneAnnotator ( PubMed ) are included in DIGEST and have already been compiled for the CCRT architecture.

DIGEST also includes FASTA Splitter .

Instead of MetaGeneAnnotator, DIGEST can use Prodigal but this software is not include and must already be installed.

France Genomique

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Version: 1.0-SNAPSHOT. Last Published: 2014-11-05.

Reflow Maven skin by Andrius Velykis.