browser position chrX:115277563-115297695 track name=Annotation description="Annotation with Gaze" visibility=3 color=0,0,255 chrX 115287563 115287695 GSHOS:00001185:G:001 0 + 115287563 115287695 0 1 132 0 track name=Genewise description="Genewise with tetraodon annotations" visibility=3 color=100,150,120 url=";name=$$" chrX 115287565 115287898 GSTENT00029964001 0 + 115287565 115287898 0 1 333 0 chrX 115287980 115288147 GSTENT00029964001 0 + 115287980 115288147 0 1 167 0 track name=Ecotigs description="Ecotigs with tetraodon genome" visibility=3 color=150,100,0 chrX 115287576 115287632 X_115287576_115287632 0 + 115287576 115287632 0 1 56 0 chrX 115287768 115288049 X_115287768_115288049 0 + 115287768 115288049 0 2 95,83 0,198